-Gixxer Jon @ swmosportbikes.com
That's an honest question. In theory is sounds like a great and equitable way to do business. Everybody works for the common good and everybody reaps the benefits equally. The problem is human nature. If you work 12 hours a day and I work 5 hours a day doing the same job doing the same task, and we get paid the same amount of money, what motivation do you have to work the 7 extra hours? You could use the argument, "I like working harder.", but on a national level it doesn't happen that way. Eventually enough people will work the figurative 5 hours until all production goes down. The Russians had a saying in Communist times "We pretend to work because the pretend to pay us".
In the capitalist model, you work the 12 and I work the 5 doing the same task, you should get more benefit for more work. I realize you could "what-if" these to death and it is an simplification of the systems, but the fundamentals are sufficient.
What socialism needs to keep up with capitalism is authority (usually totalitarian). Since the drive to work harder for more benefit is gone, the worker must be forced. The choice is gone, liberty is diminished. The model in practice has always been, and will always be, "more socialism equals less individual freedom".
Remember one thing when caught up in the "eat the rich" mentality I've seen growing within the Left these days. Without the rich or the business owners, who would sign the checks, who would hire the people without businesses of their own?